Tag Archives: weight loss

Weight Loss Advice

13 Apr

A lot of people looking to lose weight feel that they can get away with trying one thing, either diet or exercise. Here is something that you need to know, in order for you to get to a healthy weight you should be doing both and not just one or the other. The reason for that is that it is called a healthy weight. That means that you should not just be aiming to lose the weight, but rather to be healthy. There are plenty of people who do not weight much, but that does not make them healthy. Sure you want to lose the weight, but you do not want to be a skinny person who can get a disease the moment that someone sneezes. This article will help you get a better understanding of the importance of both diet and exercising.


The word “diet” is almost seen as a bad word when you are looking to lose weight. The first thing that a person does is to start listing the things they will not be able to do anymore. That is a negative way of starting a diet and that frame of mind will lead you to defeat. Diet does not mean that you should be eating only green vegetables for 3 months. Doing so in fact can be very unhealthy unless you are taking the proper supplements. What you need to focus on are portion sizes and ways that the food is cooked. A chicken breast could be a lot better for you than a salad after you use salad dressing, croutons and bacon bits. Here is something that you will almost never hear anyone tell you about a diet: you can have the same food that you are now enjoying, you just should not have it as much as you are now.


The second half of the healthy weight loss equation is exercise. The biggest excuse is the lack of time, but if you really want to lose the weight then time can be made. Walk the dog, go up the stairs at work, park further in the parking lot instead of next to the handicap spot, play a sport with the kids. One thing by itself may not seem like much, but when you put it all together you can be giving yourself a nice workout. If you can manage to get to a gym then make sure that you mix cardio exercises with weight training on different days. The idea is to focus on one thing one day and another on the next day. It is a good idea to hire a personal trainer at least for the first couple of weeks; a personal trainer will show you how to use machines and the proper way to exercise. That knowledge can then be applied by yourself when you are exercising.

Not Losing The Weight

A person who does see improvements fast can be at risk of giving up. Do not give up after a couple of weeks just because you do not see much progress. Losing weight is not a sprint, it is a marathon; you are getting healthier, but losing the weight takes time. You may have heard about weight loss programs that can get you to lose weight fast, but here is a secret: If losing weight were so fast and easy there would be no obese people in the country. Stick to the program because you may not see a weight loss because of increased muscle mass. You will begin noticing the difference soon, but the idea is to change your lifestyle and not just diet and exercise for a couple of weeks.